Kevin Kuteyi also known as “Uncle Skoob” is the founder of Separate Yourself LLC (Trench work) & Street Starz LLC. He was born February 6th 1993 and raised in Prince George’s county Maryland, where he developed a strong love for the game in grade school. Kevin has played the game at almost all levels, always striving to be the best and leaving his mark on every team/court he has played for or on.
After attending and playing for Duval High School, he was offered multiple scholarships which afforded him the opportunity to play at the NCAA level. Chowan was the school where he ended up playing his last year at that level. During the off-season Kevin played in the famous Goodman summer league in Barry farms DC, where most professional players come to play and stay in shape. Where he averaged about 25ppg. Scoring the basketball is in his DNA which explains why he loves teaching it. After his college years, he had different opportunities to play basketball professionally overseas. Kevin decided to take a different route.
Kevin loves his community, he is big on bringing people together for a greater cause. He strongly believes that any type of God given talent is a tool to experience freedom. Kevin has used basketball as his tool to unlock door after door. He has worked with several NBA/WNBA players whether it be training them or actually working out with them. He has worked with all age groups of kids, from leading Nike basketball camps to organizing events for local community centers and working with the top High school programs. After picking up the hobby of training his two nephews to play the game, here we are today!
SYS started as basketball training in February of 2020. As time moved on, we are now a company that not only trains basketball players very effectively, but we provide free content to help educate and assist anyone interested in self-development to succeed in life.
Kevin has always been under the radar, on the basketball scene, he started a league called "Street Starz" specifically for the people who never got a platform to show their talent. His plan is to shed light on the Starz around the world. Eventually, Kevin wants to build a Community center in Prince George's County Maryland that can provide resources to anyone chasing their dream.
SYS is a lifestyle; it is deeper than just basketball. We aim to prepare the youth with strong lifelong lessons on and off the court, which will help them become more than just great players.
The youth is the future of our nation and we must invest in them. As a company we highly focus on Growth, Character & Respect. The goal for the younger generation is making sure they go down the right path whether it be thru basketball or lifestyle mentoring.